Bethel Grace Abbey Mission

This is the online outreach for Bethel Grace Abbey Mission. May our efforts to serve the hurting and homeless souls of Southern California reach to the level He has set for us. May His Glory shine through the darkness and be evident in all we do at Bethel Grace Abbey. These are only our humble beginnings, but through His love, we can move mountains. Thank you for joining us on our mission. May your life be as blessed as mine has become.
In His Loving Grace,
Jennifer Joy

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Inspirational Links

Today, I would like to simply share a few links, which I have found quite inspiring. While it is true that the internet can be a dangerous place, full of misinformation and just plain bad stuff, it can also be quite useful. As with everything else, we must use discernment and wise judgment when we read what others post on the internet.

I’ve not read everything these websites and authors have to offer, but what I have read, I like. I happened upon this site this morning. I am looking forward to reading more of what she has to offer.

Right now I am trying to get her Christmas journal/devotional (Finding Real Joy, A Mother’s Prayer Journal at Christmas) to upload to my Kindle. Having things available on my Kindle, rather than just on my computer, helps me get all the reading in that I need to. My computer is old and clunky, and even though it is a laptop, it has become very heavy over the years (not really, but when compared to newer options . . .) and it can be awkward to use in my limited-space situation (living full-time in our motorhome). So our Kindles have become my best go-to solution for many things. Mine is an older version and perfect for just reading, but I do use my husband’s Kindle Fire to quickly look things up on the internet when I don’t wish to drag out my laptop (and when the size of my iPhone screen is inadequately small for the task).

I am having difficulty getting it uploaded because my older version Kindle tends to not be as friendly as the newer Kindle Fire when it comes to acceptable file types, but if all else fails, I know I can put it on my hubby’s Kindle Fire, and read it from there.

When I am doing biblical research, I like to use one of the two following sites: and Even with these sites, however, I still refer back to my own leather-bound Bible and prayer for discernment, that they are speaking the truth.

Another good site I have found is It is a good site for young parents, as it shares a wealth of information for families, written from the perspective of a young Christian mother and pastor’s wife.

You can even find inspiration in blogs about your favorite hobbies. I found this one,, and it is a treasure, as she covers not only her hobby/business of being a seamstress, but she also shares personal and family tidbits of hope and laughter.

I would like to know, what inspires you? Please comment about this post and any of my other posts. If you would like me to use my hound-dog research skills to find solutions for a specific issue (within my ability of course), just let me know. If there’s some issue related to homelessness, poverty, domestic abuse, community outreach, God, finding joy and peace, or just about anything else that you want me to talk about, drop me a line, and I will do my best. I love doing research, and I love sharing what I find out.

My prayer for you today is that you find what really fires you up in a positive manner. I pray you discover what it is that brings you peace and joy.

In His Grace,

Jennifer Joy

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