Today is day four of The 16 Days Campaign to end domestic abuse and violence against women.
Since today is Thanksgiving Day in the United States, I thought I would change tactics a bit, where The 16 Days Campaign is concerned.
Up to this point I have been sharing a lot of pain and statistics, and having so much pain in constant view can dampen the soul. Therefore, I believe it is important to give thanks and count our blessings whenever we can.
Even on my worst days, I try to find something to be thankful for, some small blessing God has placed in my life. It is a matter of a perspective change, an attitude adjustment.
So, here is my short list of blessings and what I have to be thankful for today.
First, I am thankful to have Jesus in my heart, and the Holy Spirit guiding my decisions and actions.
I am thankful that I found a wonderful man, my second husband. He shares his love, compassion, and devotion with me, even when I do not believe I deserve it.
I am blessed greatly that I have my daughter back in my life and that I can see positive things happening in her life and the lives of those around her, simply for having spent time with her.
I am blessed that my son is able to cover all his own bills and that he has a good head on his shoulders and looks toward the future more than the past, all at the tender age of 21.
I am saddened because my son is no longer geographically close to me, since we moved to Southern California from Oregon. But I am blessed that he and I can text often.
I am blessed to have two wonderful dogs, each with her own personality and ability to bolster my mood at a moment’s notice.
I am blessed that even though the bank account is empty, we have enough food in our bellies and in our cupboards. And I am blessed to now have love constantly surrounding me, even in these very difficult times.
I am blessed to have all of you on my side, to help in the fight against domestic violence and the homeless epidemic among our families.
I am thankful that Our Lord chose me, when He laid this heavy mission on my heart, and I am grateful that He then healed me of my past so that I could carry out the mission He has chosen me for.
I am thankful for The Lord’s healing touch in my life.
My prayer for you today is that you could recognize the small blessings that shower down around all of us every day.
In Thanksgiving,
Jennifer Joy
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